Martry Mill - Working Water Mill Tour

Martry Mill - Working Water Mill Tour


Martry Mill is one of the few working watermills in Ireland, with the earliest records dating back to 1641. Meet the Maker James, who will guide you through the milling process to make their stoneground wholemeal flour, the milling buildings and it's history.

Martry Mill is one of the few working watermills in Ireland, where the Tallon family have been producing stoneground wholemeal flour since 1859.

They supply bakeries, supermarkets and shops around Meath with our wholemeal flour, and supply directly from the mill. Located just 1km upstream from where the ancient Tailtean Games were held, Martry Mill is brimming with history.

We’re open for tours, if you want to see the milling process and learn about the history of the building, the flour and the area.

 James has worked in Martry Mill his entire life, and is an expert in mill history and flour production. He loves any opportunity to talk about the mill's history, anecdotes from growing up there, and how Martry Mill is part of the local community.

While they don’t open the mill to the public on a day-to-day basis, they do have regular open days throughout the year.

 To keep up to date about their upcoming open days, follow Martry Mill on Facebook or keep your eye on their events page!


Visit Us

Martry Mill House
Co. Meath


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